explorer tour
Energy Transition
Choose Paris Region is a one-stop-shop for international companies and talents in Paris Region. We work hand in hand with all the local players in the region to provide international companies with the services they need to expand and thrive
Alexandra Dublanche,
Chairwoman of Choose Paris Region
About the Tour
EAGE and Choose Paris Region are teaming up for an exciting in-person event for GET 2023 delegates. Join our explorer tour that delves into the innovative energy landscape of the Paris Region. The tour offers you a unique opportunity to gain access to key players and cutting-edge R&D energy centres in the region, giving you insights into their innovation efforts and their leading role in the energy transition.
Please note that all laboratories are situated within a “Zone à Régime Restricitif” (Restricted Access Zone), requiring mandatory visitor screening. To ensure a smooth process, all participants must register and provide their personal information before 1 November to allow sufficient time for screening before the event. Participation is free, subject to profile review. Registration is closed!
14 November 2023
08:45 – 15:30 CET