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GET 2024 5th EAGE Global Energy Transition Conference and Exhibition

The GET conference is the premier event highlighting the application of geoscience and engineering skills towards the energy transition. It provides a unique platform for bringing together geoscience and engineering professionals with an interest in renewables, minerals and decarbonisation technologies. The conference features four technical conferences dedicated to Offshore Wind Energy, Carbon Capture & Storage, Geothermal Energy, and Hydrogen & Energy Storage.

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the GET 2024 conferences


Welcome to

GET 2024 5th EAGE Global Energy Transition Conference and Exhibition
Main conference 5 – 7 November
side activities: 4- 8 November

The GET conference is the premier event highlighting the application of geoscience and engineering skills towards the energy transition. It provides a unique platform for bringing together geoscience and engineering professionals with an interest in renewables, minerals and decarbonisation technologies. The conference features four sub-conferences dedicated to Offshore Wind Energy, Carbon Capture & Storage, Geothermal Energy, and Hydrogen & Energy Storage.

Learn more about
the GET 2024 conferences

Learn more about
the GET 2024 conferences

The world is moving towards net-zero and so are we

Join us to broaden your awareness, lead the discussions, and network with other professionals and stakeholders who share your passion for the subsurface and its role in building a sustainable and resilient future.


with get2024 executive committee

Main Topics

At GET 2024, the focus is on Carbon Capture and Storage, Geothermal Energy, Hydrogen & Energy Storage, and Offshore Wind Energy, and is driven by their critical roles in the sustainable energy transition. This unique setup allows for an in-depth focus on each key topic while maintaining the conference’s core emphasis on the integration and cross-utilisation of different energy transition technologies. With a multidisciplinary approach, we aim to address energy transition challenges through sustainable solutions for global decarbonization.


Recent advances and ongoing projects on the exploration of storage resource, reservoir and pressure management, risk assessment and monitoring technologies


Factors that impact the exploration success and exploitation performance; solutions and skills that can unlock the geothermal potential and support its growth


The massively increasing technological supply of distributed renewable resources, efficiency systems and energy storage systems


Apply geoscience within the offshore wind sector, exemplified but not limited to, the contribution of subsurface disciplines in developing windfarms


Since its inception in 2020, GET has consistently reflected the pivotal role of geoscience and engineering in the energy transition. Year after year, GET has seen a rising tide of attendance, showcasing the growing interest and commitment within the global community towards sustainable energy solutions. GET 2024 will keep this tradition, offering a unique platform for sharing new developments and uniting various sectors to move towards net-zero goals.

1500 Expected

Global audience of geoscientists and engineers

400+ Technical

Diverse programme of oral and poster presentations

30+ Exhibiting

A specialised marketplace for geoscience solutions

50+ Executive &
Policy Speakers

Strategic programme featuring key energy leaders

2024 Speakers


Important Dates


Looking forward to seeing you in Rotterdam, 4-7 November!

Supporting Organisations

Participating companies

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Bio: Saba Keynejad

Environmental Data Scientist Energy Transition and Environment at CGG
Co-chair Geothermal Energy Conference

Saba Keynejad received her Master’s degree in mineral exploration with a focus on geothermal exploration in 2012. She obtained her PhD from the University of Arizona in 2018, developing machine learning approaches for subsurface characterization. Since then, Saba has worked in the energy sector, contributing to projects in subsurface analysis and geothermal research. Currently, she applies her expertise to providing environmental solutions and advancing sustainable practices in energy, mining, and other major industries. Beyond technical work, Saba has been actively involved in leading conferences and webinars within her company and externally. She aims to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration through these events. Saba also participates in mentorship schemes focused on women of color in the energy and technology industry. As co-chair of EAGE GET2024, Saba brings a wealth of experience spanning academia, industry, and leadership. She looks forward to bringing together geothermal experts to drive the field forward through open dialogue and partnership. Saba is honored to help convene important discussions on the conference stage.

Bio: Gehrig Schultz

COO | Geoscience at EPI Group
Co-chair Geothermal Energy Conference

Dr. Gehrig Schultz has been actively involved in using geophysics to solve geological and engineering problems since 1986.  Dr. Schultz is currently COO for Geosciences at EPI Group where he leads a multidisciplinary team specialized in applying geophysics to geothermal energy, nuclear waste disposal, near surface engineering and hydrocarbons exploration and field redevelopment. He has worked both as a service provider and as a senior energy company executive.  His experience spans growing former Romanian state owned geophysical and geological enterprise to become a highly respected international geophysical supplier with annual revenues of over € 100 million, rejuvenating a producing hydrocarbons field, starting a cased whole logging and well maintenance company, and technical leadership of several startup companies. Gehrig recently earned a PhD in Geophysics from the University of Bucharest and graduated with a BS in Geophysical Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines.

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