Welcome to the GET2025 Hydrogen and Energy Storage Conference
The increasing shift from fossil-based energy sources to (intermittent) renewable energy sources creates an enormous demand for energy storage solutions. The geosciences will be critical to develop and deploy these solutions: Only the subsurface offer capacities in the GWh to TWh range which will be critical for buffering of weekly to seasonal fluctuations; and it holds the rare minerals that battery storage depends on.
GET2025 provides a platform for presenting and discussing the latest developments on hydrogen and energy storage and to showcase emerging pilots and commercial projects. The conference also welcomes contributions on naturally occurring hydrogen, which holds the promise of a large-scale and low-cost low-carbon energy source.

Energy’s Future Unlocked
Let’s connect, learn, and shape the future of sustainable energy solutions together!
“We are thrilled to invite you
… to the 6th edition of EAGE’s GET Conference which will take place in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, from 27-31 October 2025.
The dedicated conference on Hydrogen and Energy Storage builds on the success of last year’s initiative, which was held alongside the three other GET conferences; CCUS, Geothermal Energy, and Offshore wind. This setup will ensure an extensive program for each key topic, without maintaining GET’s unique focus on cross-disciplinary integration and synergies between energy transition applications. The conference will offer the opportunity to bring together geoscientists and engineers working in the still emerging research area of hydrogen and energy storage for an exchange on the state-of-the-art and remaining challenges of these technologies. In addition to covering advancements in key technological areas such as geological characterization, storage performance, monitoring, containment and safety, the conference will place a strong focus on pilot projects and early commercial developments.

Director Of Business Development, Terranta
Co-Chair Hydrogen & Energy Storage Conference
“The conference location in Rotterdam
…situates the event at the heart of a future hydrogen hub, where local production and large-scale hydrogen import facilities are being developed.
To ensure that non-technical challenges are also addressed, contributed presentations will be complemented by dedicated sessions with invited speakers. Likewise, the integration of storage into the hydrogen/energy value chain and its multiple system functions will be captured in this way.
Geologic hydrogen will be introduced as a separate topic, leveraging similar geoscience expertise as subsurface energy storage technologies. Fundamentals around generation, migration and trapping of hydrogen will be addressed with key aspects of exploration, production, and stimulation.

Senior Specialist, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI)
Co-Chair Hydrogen & Energy Storage Conference
The EAGE GET conference brings Opportunities to:
Hydrogen and energy storage conference as part of GET is bringing together all professionals in geoscience that are active in the field of hydrogen and energy storage.
It is a very inspiring platform to get to know about latest developments and to understand what the most recent trends are. And it is exciting this year that we will have for the first time a dedicated conference programme for all geoscientists, geologists, engineers and other professionals who are working with projects, researches that are directly linked to hydrogen and energy storage.
Abstract Highlights Available for Free!
Hydrogen and
Energy Storage
EAGE is excited to offer a curated selection of conference abstracts, available free of charge. These abstracts provide valuable insights into the cutting-edge content that will be presented at the event.
Stay up-to-date with the latest research and developments by following our LinkedIn channel for daily updates on newly published articles. Alternatively, you can check this page regularly to explore the latest featured abstracts and stay informed throughout the conference season.
Authors; Dr Ahmed Yaseri¹, Dr Ahmed Fatah¹
Affiliation; ¹King Fahd University Of Petroleum And Minerals
Summary; This work mainly aims to evaluate gas flow behavior in sandstone for different gas types and enhance the understanding of the role of capillary pressure and gas displacement efficiency during underground storage. With this motive, we conducted a series of gas core-flooding experiments into brine-saturated sandstone core samples using three different gases (CO2, CH4, and H2), at ambient temperature. We integrated an X-ray scanning technique to detect the gas residual after the core-flooding experiment. We mainly report that:
1- Gas core-flooding experiments showed that CO2 exhibited slightly the highest average gas saturation by ≈ 40%, while the average gas saturation for H2 and CH4 were almost similar ranging between 25-30%. However, the gas residuals in the sample were zero for all gases. These outcomes suggest that the gas residuals in this sandstone sample are unaffected by the gas type, indicating the high potential for gas recovery (especially for hydrogen during withdrawal cycles), and the high displacement efficiency in sandstone rocks.
2- The calculated capillary numbers at constant flowrate (2 cc/min) were in very low values (×10-8), suggesting that all gases entered the pores immediately during the injection, and acted as a non-wetting phase.
Author; Dr Arnout Everts¹
Affiliation; ¹AEGeo Sdn Bhd
Summary; This paper proposes a broad classification of natural hydrogen occurrences from a viewpoint of not only exploration geology but also technical potential and ability to meet current levels of commercial need. From a conceptual point of view, working subsurface “hydrogen systems” comprise the same key elements as their “petroleum system” counterparts namely: Source, Reservoir, Trap and Seal. Considering success or failure on these “hydrogen system” elements and consequences for technical development-potential, this paper categorizes hydrogen “finds” and prospects into three “hydrogen play types”: 1) “Focus Areas of Natural Seepage” where there is an active hydrogen source but limited (if any) subsurface trapping of gaseous hydrogen. Elevated hydrogen concentrations in such plays reflect localized migration pathways, mostly of dissolved hydrogen. 2) “Coal-Bed Hydrogen” plays where hydrogen is adsorbed on a molecular scale in coals. 3) “Reservoir-Trap-Seal” configurations with gaseous hydrogen trapped at excess pressure, like in a conventional gas field. Based on review of actual field examples of each play type, Reservoir-Trap-Seal” configurations appear to be the only type of hydrogen plays that can potentially meet the supply needs of large industrial facilities.
Authors; Mr Rod Harris¹, Jacqueline Sutton¹, Dr Jonathan Ennis-King², Mr Peter Ryan¹, Dr Se Gong², Dr Mihaela Grigore², Dr Samuel Jackson², Dr David Midgely², Dr Nai Tran-Dinh², Ms Carla Mariani², Dr Richard Schinteie², Dr Stephanie Vialle³
Affiliations; ¹ Lochard Energy, ²CSIRO, ³Curtin University
Summary; Lochard Energy aims to use depleted sandstone natural gas reservoirs in the Otway Basin, Victoria, Australia for underground hydrogen storage (UHS). Renewable hydrogen would be generated during times of surplus renewable energy production and stored in the underground sandstone reservoirs. The stored hydrogen can be used to generate electricity during periods of high demand or to supply hydrogen for clean fuels production. The staged project aims to complete the feasibility phase by late 2025, prior to developing a demonstration pilot project. Assuming success and the necessary approvals, commercial stage 1 would support up to 500MW of electrolysis and 500MW of electricity generation, with further expansion to stage 2 to provide a reliable hydrogen feed stream for additional firming and downstream users. This abstract will discuss the approach to, and selected learnings from the pre-feasibility and feasibility phases, while providing context on the non-technical challenges for this Australian project.
Authors; Mr Henrique Serratt UNISINOS¹, Dr Tiago Girelli¹, Mr Matheus Cruz¹, Mr José Cupertino¹, Dr Claudia Teixeira¹, Mr Helder Oliveira¹, Dr Ilana Lehn¹, Ms Monique Rizzi¹, Mr Adolpho Augustin¹, Mr Juliano Bonato¹, Dr Farid Chemale Junior¹
Affiliation; ¹UNISINOS
Summary; The study investigates natural hydrogen gas (H₂) as a clean energy source in the Paraná Basin, Brazil. While some H₂ was found in wells, the source remains unknown. Understanding the source is key to move from exploration to production.
The research proposes a new methodology to find the H₂ source using existing data and free gas in groundwater wells. Which is cheaper than drilling new wells.
Author; Dr Leonid Surguchev¹
Affiliation; ¹Hydrogen Source AS
Summary; An innovative process of Hydrogen Generation from Hydrocarbons Sub-terrain (HGHS) is a unique solution to the problem of emission free Clean Hydrogen production and storage in hydrocarbon fields without greenhouse emissions. HGHS allows to convert depleted, stranded and noncommercial fields into storage of environmentally Clean Hydrogen, that can be produced at low cost and with zero carbon footprint. Recently performed experimental and modelling studies addressing mechanisms and processes of HGHS are presented in this paper.
Author; Dr Shogo Masaya¹
Affiliation; ¹INPEX
Summary; Hydrogen has the potential to play a significant role in energy transition with decarbonization because it can be produced by renewable energy sources and only emits water vapor as fuel cells. Hydrogen is also a versatile energy carrier that can be employed to store and deliver energy generated from other sources. In the energy carrier, underground hydrogen storage (UHS) is a crucial technology to realize large-scale energy storage with safety (e.g., [1]).
Authors; MS Justin Fink¹, Dr Siroos Azizmohammadi¹, Dr Holger Ott¹, MS Gerald Kulhanek²
Affiliations; ¹Montanuniversität Leoben, ² ILF Consulting Engineers
Summary; The transition to a low-carbon future necessitates the exploration of alternative energy carriers, and hydrogen has emerged as a promising solution. However, establishing a fully functional hydrogen economy is a complex undertaking full of challenges. One significant obstacle to achieving the European Union's sustainability goals is the limited infrastructure, particularly regarding storage capacity and integration into the anticipated hydrogen network. Merely relying on underground storage is insufficient – instead, the development of hydrogen transmission and distribution networks is crucial for effective transportation and utilization of hydrogen. Thermal turbomachinery, including compressors and turbines, is a key component in hydrogen distribution networks. These components are responsible for compressing hydrogen for efficient transmission and play a critical role in maintaining the pressure and flow of hydrogen within the network, ensuring its safe and reliable transport. Therefore, investigating the performance and efficiency of integrated systems that combine underground hydrogen storage with thermal turbomachinery is essential. This study aims to address the technological challenge of designing and optimizing hydrogen distribution networks to enhance efficiency and sustainability. The research examines the integration of underground hydrogen storage and thermal turbomachinery within hydrogen networks to gain valuable insights into system performance.
Author; Dr Pedro Pereira¹², Prof Júlio Carneiro¹³, Prof Paulo Canhoto¹⁴, Prof Jorge Pedro¹³, Dr Karwan Khudhur², Mr Augusto Mazezo³
Affiliation; ¹Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Évora, ²Institute for Advanced Studies and Research, University of Évora, ³Geosciences Department, School of Sciencies and Technology, University of Évora, ⁴Mechatronics Engineering Department, School of Sciencies and Technology, University of Évora
Summary; The urgency in mitigating the climate change effects and the expecting rise of energy consumption in the coming decades will require zero-carbon sources like renewables, fossil fuels with carbon capture and storage, and sustainable storage solutions like underground gas storage. Hydrogen geological storage in porous rock formations is expected to play a major role for sustainable energy systems, offering large-scale storage in subsurface reservoirs for grid stability and cost-effective integration of renewable hydrogen production. This work explores hydrogen geological storage in saline aquifers, focusing on reservoir simulation under varying structural and geological conditions. To address renewable energy fluctuations, hydrogen injection and withdrawal cycles were conducted in complex heterogeneous reservoirs. Key aspects include the evaluation of different well configurations, such as separate injection and withdrawal wells, dual-purpose wells, and a hybrid of both, and the role of cushion gas in enhancing reservoir efficiency. The work highlights that dual-purpose well configurations offer higher efficiency, making the use of cushion gas less critical. However, optimising cushion gas usage is essential due to its significant impact on operational costs. The study also emphasizes the importance of addressing reservoir heterogeneity, as it greatly influences the efficiency of hydrogen injection and withdrawal cycles.
Authors; Ms Tessa Bosch¹, Ms Marit Sprenkeling¹, Mr Serge Van Gessel¹
Affiliation; ¹TNO
Summary; Underground hydrogen storage (UHS) is expected to play a key role in the future energy system of the Netherlands. UHS can be deployed in salt caverns and porous formation yet the technology is still under development and requires further verification in pilot and demonstration projects. While the technological maturation is progressing, it is essential to also consider the development of social aspects at an early stage of technical development in order to ensure a proper societal embedding of UHS and prevent delays and hurdles when the technology is ready for commercial deployment. This paper presents the results on the application of the Societal Embeddedness methodology to UHS and uses this framework to evaluate the status of social aspects of UHS in the Dutch context.
Authors; Mr Bastiaan Jaarsma¹, Mrs Silke van Klaveren¹, Dr Germonda Reijnen-Mooij¹, Mr Michiel Damoiseaux¹, Mrs Marloes Kortekaas¹, Mrs Annemiek Asschert¹
Affiliation; ¹EBN B.V.
Summary; Underground Hydrogen Storage (UHS) will become important in the Netherlands, to balance demand and supply in the future hydrogen chain. It will also balance the energy system where wind and solar power are becoming major, albeit intermittent sources of sustainable energy. Furthermore, timely availability of hydrogen storage will enable increased energy security. As the Dutch state company in energy production and storage and advisor to the government, EBN initiated a programme to develop and disseminate public knowledge on UHS. The goal is to enable timely development of UHS in a safe and sustainable manner. Results show that the Dutch subsurface offers great potential for UHS in gas fields and salt caverns. Results from screening on technical and non-technical parameters support decision making on where and how much potential can be realized in the Netherlands. The results of reservoir simulations on representative fields are input to feasibility studies and to the design of pilot and commercial scale projects. A generic parametric UHS cost model facilitates techno-economic analyses and decision making on and the design of UHS (pilot) projects. These results and additional public information related to UHS are made available, amongst others via the GEODE Atlas.
Hydrogen and
Energy Storage
The following topics are highlighted (but not limited to) for your abstract submission:
Submit your abstracts
before 15 June 2025
- Hydrogen and underground gas storage
- Compressed air energy storage
- Underground thermal energy storage
- Underground pumped hydro storage
- Addressing Reservoir and Seal Challenges (Geology, Mineralogy, microbiological, geochemical, and diagenetic Processes)
- Risk and Monitoring (containment risk assessment, performance monitoring and site safety)
- Storage design and performance (incl. fluid transport, mixing, efficiency)
- Demand and use-case scenarios modelling
- Technoeconomic assessment
- Social acceptance and regulatory framework
- Energy supply chain alternatives (e.g. green hydrogen vs. electricity shipping)
- Subsurface hydrogen-sources and hydrogen-system modelling
- Exploration for natural hydrogen (Where to look, Data and Concepts)
- Development and Production of natural hydrogen resources
- Stimulated Hydrogen (concepts, pilot projects, environmental aspects and case studies)
2025 Commitee
- Suzanne Hurter
University of Queensland - Karin de Borst
Shell - Arnout Everts
AEGeo Sdn Bhd - Kamaljit Singh
Heriot-Watt University - Daniel Palmowski
Terranta - Sebastian Geiger
TU Delft - Bahman Bohloli
NGI - Gang Wang
Heriot-Watt University - Piotr Krawiec BP
- Carla Martin Clave
AtkinsRéalis - Christian Heine Shell
- Nicole Dopffel NORCE
- Thomas Nancy Geostock
- Daniel Palmowski
Terranta - Sebastian Geiger
TU Delft - Bahman Bohloli
NGI - Gang Wang
Heriot-Watt University - Piotr Krawiec BP
- Carla Martin Clave
AtkinsRéalis - Christian Heine Shell
- Nicole Dopffel NORCE
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- Marcin Glegola Shell
- Daniel Palmowski Terranta
- Walter Rietveld BP
- Sam Xie Curtin University
- Dariusz Strapoc SLB
- Hadi Hajibeygi TU Delft
- Rader Abdul Fattah TNO
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