Technical Programme

Topics / Instructions


We invite specialists, researchers, and scientists from the forefront of industry operators, service companies, and academic institutions to contribute their invaluable insights and research findings. This year, GET broadens its scope by launching four technical conferences, each focusing on a critical aspect of sustainable energy. These conferences are tailored to specific domains of expertise and innovation, providing a targeted platform for professionals to delve into the most pressing issues and advancements within their respective fields.

Join us in shaping the future of our industry by sharing your research and engaging with fellow thought leaders at this dynamic gathering. Whether you’re innovating new technologies, delving into theoretical research, or solving practical challenges, our platform is designed for your insights. We look forward to your submissions and the opportunity to highlight the pioneering efforts within our vibrant professional community.

Start submission process

Papers can be submitted through the online portals. Please ensure to submit via the portal designated for the specific conference.  Follow the steps provided in the portals to submit your paper. Note that an EAGE account login is required for submission.

More information about submitting your late-breaking poster


Please note that you’ll need to register as a EAGE member in order to submit your abstracts.

Submit your late-breaking poster
before 15 September 2024

Please follow
these steps:

Use the mandatory template.
2-4 full A4 pages
Include the paper title
Don't include authors, affiliations and summary
Use Time New Roman 11 pt and margins 2,54 cm on all (1")
Include at least one graphic or figure and reference
Only PDF format is accepted

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Download instructions

EAGE invites the presentation of new and original material in a range of multi-disciplinary topics in Geoscience and Engineering. The EAGE takes plagiarism very seriously. Therefore, if an extended abstract or paper, after careful review, examination and consideration, is rejected on the basis of plagiarism, ALL authors of the abstract/paper will be denied the opportunity for further abstract submissions for the following three years. Note that this means that NO abstracts/papers from ANY of the authors (as author or co-author on subsequent papers) will be accepted for ANY EAGE event (Annual Meeting or Workshop) for a period of three years starting on the date of the event for which the paper was originally submitted.

Titles should be short (max 16 words (or 127 characters), longer titles will be cut off) and relevant. Extended abstracts must be in English, original and not have appeared in any other publication.

A summary of the extended abstract (max. 200 words) must be submitted as well.

The body of the extended abstract needs to be within two to four (2-4) full pages in length, paper size A4. Longer or shorter sized abstracts will not be included in the review process and therefore be rejected. The extended abstract should consist of text and appropriate figures supporting the key message. The text should contain at least one figure and references. Four pages of text alone are not acceptable.

Please do not use more than 1 column for text, do not frame the text, and upload the body of your extended abstract as one document with embedded figures.

A good extended abstract set in the conference template consists of an introduction, the main description of theory or method broken down as appropriate and illustrated with figures, conclusions, optional acknowledgements and references. It should reflect work that is actually completed at the time of submission and not plans or ideas that are still taking shape in the mind of the author or research that is still highly immature.

The extended abstract must concentrate in itself the essential information of the presentation: purpose, methods, results and conclusions. It should be an abbreviated, informative, accurate representation of the presentation and not a mere recital of the subjects to be covered.

The uploaded extended abstract must be in the conference templates for particular conference and in PDF (the portal will not accept other formats). Please make sure the document is not protected.

-> Template for Hydrogen & Energy Storage Conference

-> Template for Geothermal Energy Conference

-> Template for Carbon Capture & Storage Conference

-> Template for Offshore Wind Energy Conference


Template usage:

  • Start the extended abstract with a title (Do not include the summary, authors or affiliations in the pages of the extended abstract);
  • Start the body text of your extended abstract directly under the title;
  • Use font ‘Times New Roman 11pts’ with single line spacing. Set the alignment as justified and use the standard Word outline level (body text);
  • Do not add empty lines or modify the line space;
  • Use 2,54 cm (1”) for top, bottom, left and right margin;
  • Do not modify the template header and/or footer;
  • Include at least one graphic;
  • Include references.

The lay-out of the references should be consistent with the style guide for references in the First Break Author Guidelines. Please ensure every citation has a reference and vice versa.

Number the figures sequentially, according to their appearance in the text, and check that each figure is cited in the text.

Supply a short caption for each figure; more detailed discussion of the figure can be reserved for the text. Further information about the use of figure captions and figure numbering can be found in the First Break Author Guidelines.

Example of an extended abstract [PDF:438KB], by courtesy of G.D. Wach. Kindly note that this example does not include the mandatory cover page.

Your extended abstract will be uploaded in several steps in the portal.

Submission Deadline for the abstract
Please note that the submission deadline is 15 September 2024 (23:59, CEST). The portal will close automatically after this deadline.

Changes after the submission deadline
Please note that it is not possible to make changes to the submission information or the uploaded extended abstract after the submission deadline (15 September).

The Selection Committee will consider all abstracts submitted to the EAGE Head Office by the submission deadline of 15 September 2024 (23:59, CEST). After reviewing and selecting the abstracts the oral sessions will be composed with the accepted papers to be added to the technical programme. Submitters will be informed if their paper is accepted or rejected via email.

Each extended abstract will be reviewed by at least 2 referees prior to the technical programme selection meeting. The selection process is no formality, on average 1 out of every 4 submitted extended abstracts is rejected!

Authors are required to indicate the topic under which their extended abstract should be evaluated by the review committee.

In case authors of an abstract want to withdraw their abstract presentation, please adhere to the deadline of 1 October 2024 (23:59, CEST).

Cancellations of presentations after the withdrawal deadline will be considered as a no-show and you risk being disqualified from presenting at all EAGE events for the next 3 years.

Please keep in mind that only extended abstracts that have been presented will be (remain) available on EarthDoc. Withdrawn presentations and no-shows will not be uploaded or removed from  EarthDoc.

Please note: EAGE cannot be held liable for any loss, damage, direct, indirect or consequential damage as a result of withdrawal, removal or non-removal of the abstract in any way.

The accepted extended abstract is published on EarthDoc, which is an official EAGE publication, as submitted. Badly written extended abstracts not only reflect poorly on the authors, but also on the association. Many more people read the accepted extended abstracts than those attending the presentation. Therefore EAGE will only consider properly written and informative extended abstracts that are submitted in line with the template instructions.

Authors are encouraged to submit their material for publication in one of the journals of the association. Acceptance for the conference does not guarantee acceptance for publication in one of the journals.

EAGE acknowledges the use of generative AI tools, like ChatGPT, Bard, etc, in research publications, books, articles and abstracts. However, some concerns have been raised about these tools and therefore EAGE has some rules in place. Refer to the EAGE statement on AI generated content for papers for more details.

The programme for Association and Cooperation in Earth Sciences (PACE) is funded by EAGE and supports individual geoscientists to participate actively in selected EAGE events. This support is available for accepted speakers who cannot obtain financial support from other sources.  With the PACE programme, EAGE strives to encourage the exchange of information and knowledge among the global geoscientific community.

Registration is open

Looking forward to welcoming you in Rotterdam, this 4-7 November!

Technical programme

Topics / Instructions


We invite specialists, researchers, and scientists from the forefront of industry operators, service companies, and academic institutions to contribute their invaluable insights and research findings. This year, GET broadens its scope by launching four specialized sub-conferences, each focusing on a critical aspect of sustainable energy. These conferences are tailored to specific domains of expertise and innovation, providing a targeted platform for professionals to delve into the most pressing issues and advancements within their respective fields.

Join us in shaping the future of our industry by sharing your research and engaging with fellow thought leaders at this dynamic gathering. Whether you’re innovating new technologies, delving into theoretical research, or solving practical challenges, our platform is designed for your insights. We look forward to your submissions and the opportunity to highlight the pioneering efforts within our vibrant professional community.


Abstract Submission

Submit your abstract by 3o June 2024

Did you miss the Call for Abstracts? You can still submit your abstract for consideration with the “Late Breaking Call for Posters”.  We hope that this will allow the most recent findings and developments to be included in the technical programme. Abstracts submitted during this period will only be considered for poster presentation.

Abstracts must be submitted following:


For new submitters who signed up for the first time and had technical issue with submitting abstracts or if you have any other questions about the abstract submission process, please contact us

Hydrogen and Energy Storage Conference

  • Hydrogen and underground gas storage
  • Hydrogen or ammonia storage in wells, tunnels, lined rock caverns
  • Compressed air energy storage
  • Underground thermal storage
  • Underground pumped hydro storage
  • Pilot projects and Case studies


  • Geological resources for subsurface energy storage
  • Mineralogical, microbiological, geochemical, and diagenetic considerations for storage
  • Seal characterization, containment risk assessment and site safety
  • Storage performance (incl. fluid transport, mixing, efficiency)
  • Monitoring of energy storage sites


  • Mechanism of natural hydrogen generation, migration and trapping
  • Rate limiting factors of natural hydrogen generation
  • Basins and hydrogen system modelling
  • Exploration for natural hydrogen
  • Hydrogen production challenges and opportunities
  • Stimulated or accelerated hydrogen production
  • Pilot projects and Case studies


  • Demand and use-case scenarios modelling
  • Techno-economic assessment
  • Social acceptance and regulatory framework
  • Case studies


Geothermal Energy Conference

  • Geothermal Resource Assessment at Basin Scale
  • Geothermal Reservoirs Characterization and Modelling
  • Geophysics and Multiphysics
  • Decarbonizing Heating and Cooling


  • Advancements in Drilling Technology and Well Completion
  • Transitioning from Oil and Gas to Geothermal
  • Unconventional Geothermal System Developments


  • Addressing Environmental and Societal Impacts
  • Data and Digitalization in Geothermal Energy
  • Cogenerations and Cascade Use


Carbon Capture and Storage Conference

  • Lessons learned from active CO2 injection sites (from large-scale EOR projects to pilots)
  • Low cost technology development & deployment
  • Long term injectivity performance
  • Development concept optimization & flexibility in a dynamic commercial environment
  • Geomechanical considerations: from lab to storage site scale
  • Pore scale behaviour of CO2 versus large scale plume evolution.
  • Impact of small scale heterogeneities on large scale plume development.
  • Varying areal and time scales compared to H/C
  • Storage site selection
  • CO2 site appraisal case studies
  • CO2 storage resource estimation
  • Basin scale pore space & pressure competition
  • Meetup – Multiphysics and non-physics monitoring integration
  • Startup – Concepts towards low-cost and easily deployable monitoring technology
  • Scaleup - Geophysical Monitoring technologies: from concepts to deployed examples
  • Scaler - field scale integrated monitoring strategies and plan optimization for decades of monitoring
  • Integrated subsurface risk assessment
  • Seismicity & fault reactivation: from prognosis to modelling
  • Cap rock characterization
  • Repurposing wells vs newly drilled wells
  • Legacy well risk assessment & well remediation
  • Rock-fluid interations at the reservoir scale
  • Near wellbore Challenges - hydrates and salt precipitation
  • Leveraging AI for CCS and the global energy transition
  • Incorporating Rock Physics into Machine Learning for CO2 Plume Characterization
  • Storage complex characterization using AI/ML
  • Utilizing AI/ML for CO2 storage monitoring and risk evaluation
  • Utilizing AI/ML for CCS Optimization
  • Lessons learned from other CO2 or acid injection
  • Alternative reservoirs (Basalts, coal beds, shales, hydrates)
  • CO2 utilization

Offshore Wind Conference

  • Advancements in geophysical methods for near-surface & seabed acquisition
  • Optimization of acquisition strategies and future trends
  • Fixed foundation vs. floating offshore windfarms
  • Very shallow water data acquisition
  • Acoustic underwater noise analyses
  • Advancements in seismic data processing
  • Inversion of near-surface seismic data
  • Re-processing of O&G seismic legacy data for offshore wind
  • Diffraction imaging
  • Advancements in backscatter data processing
  • Advancements in seabed target detection (boulders, UXOs, etc.)
  • Optimizations for benthic habitat mapping & monitoring applications
  • Case studies from offshore wind farm sites & cable routes
  • Integration of geophysical, geological and geotechnical data for foundation studies (fixed-bottom & floating)
  • Integration of geophysical, geological and geotechnical data for electrical cable studies, including landfall studies
  • Geohazards: identification, characterization and risk assessments
  • Developments in buried UXO detection, modelling and risk assessments
  • Developments and considerations from the development of AUV & USV solutions
  • New methods and innovation in shallow sub-surface characterisation
  • Distributed Acoustic Sensing applications
  • Non-seismic methods (magnetometer, gradiometer, EM, resistivity, etc.)
  • Machine learning applications for ground model development
  • Geostatistics use in advanced geomodelling applications
  • Uncertainty assessment
  • Object detection automation
  • Accuracies of P wave velocity models
  • Shear wave velocity models for offshore wind (applications to foundation design, liquefaction studies, etc.)
  • Large integrated geoscience databases
  • Opportunities from geophysics to reduce Offshore Wind project schedules
  • Environmental Consenting for Offshore Wind

Start submission process

Papers can be submitted through the online portals. Please ensure to submit via the portal designated for the specific conference.  Follow the steps provided in the portals to submit your paper. Note that an EAGE account login is required for submission.

Call for Abstracts For:

Submission instructions

Read more about the requirements and submission process

EAGE invites the presentation of new and original material in a range of multi-disciplinary topics in Geoscience and Engineering. The EAGE takes plagiarism very seriously. Therefore, if an extended abstract or paper, after careful review, examination and consideration, is rejected on the basis of plagiarism, ALL authors of the abstract/paper will be denied the opportunity for further abstract submissions for the following three years. Note that this means that NO abstracts/papers from ANY of the authors (as author or co-author on subsequent papers) will be accepted for ANY EAGE event (Annual Meeting or Workshop) for a period of three years starting on the date of the event for which the paper was originally submitted.

Titles should be short (max 16 words (or 127 characters), longer titles will be cut off) and relevant. Extended abstracts must be in English, original and not have appeared in any other publication.

A summary of the extended abstract (max. 200 words) must be submitted as well.

The body of the extended abstract needs to be within two to four (2-4) full pages in length, paper size A4. Longer or shorter sized abstracts will not be included in the review process and therefore be rejected. The extended abstract should consist of text and appropriate figures supporting the key message. The text should contain at least one figure and references. Four pages of text alone are not acceptable.

Please do not use more than 1 column for text, do not frame the text, and upload the body of your extended abstract as one document with embedded figures.

A good extended abstract set in the conference template consists of an introduction, the main description of theory or method broken down as appropriate and illustrated with figures, conclusions, optional acknowledgements and references. It should reflect work that is actually completed at the time of submission and not plans or ideas that are still taking shape in the mind of the author or research that is still highly immature.

The extended abstract must concentrate in itself the essential information of the presentation: purpose, methods, results and conclusions. It should be an abbreviated, informative, accurate representation of the presentation and not a mere recital of the subjects to be covered.

The uploaded extended abstract must be in the conference templates for particular conference and in PDF (the portal will not accept other formats). Please make sure the document is not protected.

-> Template for Hydrogen & Energy Storage Conference

-> Template for Geothermal Energy Conference

-> Template for Carbon Capture & Storage Conference

-> Template for Offshore Wind Energy Conference


Template usage:

  • Start the extended abstract with a title (Do not include the summary, authors or affiliations in the pages of the extended abstract);
  • Start the body text of your extended abstract directly under the title;
  • Use font ‘Times New Roman 11pts’ with single line spacing. Set the alignment as justified and use the standard Word outline level (body text);
  • Do not add empty lines or modify the line space;
  • Use 2,54 cm (1”) for top, bottom, left and right margin;
  • Do not modify the template header and/or footer;
  • Include at least one graphic;
  • Include references.

The lay-out of the references should be consistent with the style guide for references in the First Break Author Guidelines. Please ensure every citation has a reference and vice versa.

Number the figures sequentially, according to their appearance in the text, and check that each figure is cited in the text.

Supply a short caption for each figure; more detailed discussion of the figure can be reserved for the text. Further information about the use of figure captions and figure numbering can be found in the First Break Author Guidelines.

Example of an extended abstract [PDF:438KB], by courtesy of G.D. Wach. Kindly note that this example does not include the mandatory cover page.

Your extended abstract will be uploaded in several steps in the portal.

Submission Deadline for the abstract
Please note that the submission deadline is 30 June 2024 (23:59, CEST). The portal will close automatically after this deadline.

Changes after the submission deadline
Please note that it is not possible to make changes to the submission information or the uploaded extended abstract after the submission deadline (30 June).

The Selection Committee will consider all abstracts submitted to the EAGE Head Office by the submission deadline of 30 June 2024 (23:59, CEST). After reviewing and selecting the abstracts the oral sessions will be composed with the accepted papers to be added to the technical programme. Submitters will be informed if their paper is accepted or rejected via email.

Each extended abstract will be reviewed by at least 2 referees prior to the technical programme selection meeting. The selection process is no formality, on average 1 out of every 4 submitted extended abstracts is rejected!

Authors are required to indicate the topic under which their extended abstract should be evaluated by the review committee.

In case authors of an abstract want to withdraw their abstract presentation, please adhere to the deadline of 1 October 2024 (23:59, CEST).

Cancellations of presentations after the withdrawal deadline will be considered as a no-show and you risk being disqualified from presenting at all EAGE events for the next 3 years.

Please keep in mind that only extended abstracts that have been presented will be (remain) available on EarthDoc. Withdrawn presentations and no-shows will not be uploaded or removed from  EarthDoc.

Please note: EAGE cannot be held liable for any loss, damage, direct, indirect or consequential damage as a result of withdrawal, removal or non-removal of the abstract in any way.

The accepted extended abstract is published on EarthDoc, which is an official EAGE publication, as submitted. Badly written extended abstracts not only reflect poorly on the authors, but also on the association. Many more people read the accepted extended abstracts than those attending the presentation. Therefore EAGE will only consider properly written and informative extended abstracts that are submitted in line with the template instructions.

Authors are encouraged to submit their material for publication in one of the journals of the association. Acceptance for the conference does not guarantee acceptance for publication in one of the journals.

EAGE acknowledges the use of generative AI tools, like ChatGPT, Bard, etc, in research publications, books, articles and abstracts. However, some concerns have been raised about these tools and therefore EAGE has some rules in place. Refer to the EAGE statement on AI generated content for papers for more details.

The programme for Association and Cooperation in Earth Sciences (PACE) is funded by EAGE and supports individual geoscientists to participate actively in selected EAGE events. This support is available for accepted speakers who cannot obtain financial support from other sources.  With the PACE programme, EAGE strives to encourage the exchange of information and knowledge among the global geoscientific community.

Message will be send to the europe department

Bio: Saba Keynejad

Environmental Data Scientist Energy Transition and Environment at CGG
Co-chair Geothermal Energy Conference

Saba Keynejad received her Master’s degree in mineral exploration with a focus on geothermal exploration in 2012. She obtained her PhD from the University of Arizona in 2018, developing machine learning approaches for subsurface characterization. Since then, Saba has worked in the energy sector, contributing to projects in subsurface analysis and geothermal research. Currently, she applies her expertise to providing environmental solutions and advancing sustainable practices in energy, mining, and other major industries. Beyond technical work, Saba has been actively involved in leading conferences and webinars within her company and externally. She aims to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration through these events. Saba also participates in mentorship schemes focused on women of color in the energy and technology industry. As co-chair of EAGE GET2024, Saba brings a wealth of experience spanning academia, industry, and leadership. She looks forward to bringing together geothermal experts to drive the field forward through open dialogue and partnership. Saba is honored to help convene important discussions on the conference stage.

Bio: Gehrig Schultz

COO | Geoscience at EPI Group
Co-chair Geothermal Energy Conference

Dr. Gehrig Schultz has been actively involved in using geophysics to solve geological and engineering problems since 1986.  Dr. Schultz is currently COO for Geosciences at EPI Group where he leads a multidisciplinary team specialized in applying geophysics to geothermal energy, nuclear waste disposal, near surface engineering and hydrocarbons exploration and field redevelopment. He has worked both as a service provider and as a senior energy company executive.  His experience spans growing former Romanian state owned geophysical and geological enterprise to become a highly respected international geophysical supplier with annual revenues of over € 100 million, rejuvenating a producing hydrocarbons field, starting a cased whole logging and well maintenance company, and technical leadership of several startup companies. Gehrig recently earned a PhD in Geophysics from the University of Bucharest and graduated with a BS in Geophysical Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines.

Message will be send to the award department

Message will be send to the students department

Message will be send to the grants department

Message will be send to corporate relations

Message will be send to the exhibition department

Message will be send to the registration department

Message will be send to the abstracts department